This package provides functions to run forecasts (LEMMA.forecasts::RunOneCounty) or scenarios (LEMMA.forecasts::RunOneCounty_scen) using the LEMMA model. These functions are used in the LEMMA Shiny app. Please see the vignette for an example of how to use the package.

Within the R/ directory the code is organized as:

  1. GenerateEmail.R
    1. GenerateEmail
  2. GetCountyData_Scenario.R
    1. GetCountyInputs_scen
    2. Scenario
    3. GetResults_scen
  3. GetCountyData.R
    1. GetCountyData
    2. GetStateData
    3. ReadCsvAWS
    4. ConvertNegative
    5. GetOldAdmits
    6. GetAdmits
    7. GetAdmits_notused
    8. GetSantaClaraData
  4. GetCountyInputs.R
    1. Get1
    2. GetCountySheets
    3. GetCountyInputs
  5. GetDosesData.R
    1. GetDosesData.old
    2. GetDosesData
    3. ReadSFDoses.old
    4. SFDosesToAWS
    5. ReadSFDoses
  6. RunCounty_Scenario.R
    1. RunOneCounty_scen
    2. RunOneCounty_scen_input
  7. RunCounty.R
    1. RunOneCounty
  8. CreateStateOverview.R
    1. CreateOverview
    2. RtMap